Name of the Student:  KUMAR SAURABH

Degree undertaken: M.Tech (Biotechnology)

Roll No: 10J21D0303

PG Batch: 2010-2012

Department & College Name : Department of Biotechnology, Joginpally B.R Engineering
                                                     College, Moinabad, RR(dt), Telangana State, India.

Subjects taught by Zahoorullah. S. MD: Microbial Engineering, Bioreactor Engineering, Genetic Engineering ,Biochemistry & Microbiology Lab


     Whenever I see a teacher or professor in my life, one name always reminds me to my heart. He is a Teacher who taught me “How to present a best power point presentation compare to all”. He is a Teacher who is always dedicated for his students and subject. He is a Teacher who always thinks for new research work, He is none other than“Dr. ZAHOORULLAH S MD and his name will always be forever in my Brain.
      I can’t forget his afford and help during my M.Tech classes. He taught us one of the toughest subjects i.e., “Microbial Engineering”. There are lots of derivations and equations involved in the subject which were explained in a simplest manner with his unique teaching methodology.
       He is one of the greatest scientists in biotech field who always does new Innovations and discoveries with his creativity. I saw sir never getting tried in his work or for the benefit of the student. He helped his students in their project works by teaching, guiding and motivating. He enhanced teaching and research efficiency by attending workshops, seminars and participating in National and International conferences. He can’t be forgettable by his students.


Date: 30-03-2015                                                                       KUMAR SAURABH

Designation: Environmental Engineer                                                       Signature