Name of the student: KUNAL SHARMA

Degree undertaken: B.Tech (Biotechnology)

Roll NO: 11J21A2301

Degree/PG Batch: 2011-2015

Department and College Name: 
Department of Biotechnology, Joginpally B.R Engineering College, Moinabad, RR(dt),Telangana State, India.

Subjects taught  Mr.Zahoorullah S MD: Mass Transfer Operations, Biochemical Reaction Engineering, Bioinformatics, Computational Molecular Biology, Bioethics Biosafety and Intellectual Property Rights, Food Science and Technology, Animal Cell Science and Technology and Bioinformatics Lab.


Though It may take a thought or second to tell,but sir,yes gloriously, You have left your warmth and inspiration that would last in me in my nearby future.Thank you for persuading me to do something and this note of mine shows all the respect and affection towards you.They say that “Life doesnot gets changes by “chance” It gets better by a “change”,thank you for igniting me,you are the brightest star. Thanks a ton Sir.

You are rather a good friend :)

Date : 30-04-2015                                                                 KUNAL SHARMA                        Designation: Pursuing BTech Biotechnology                                   Signature