Degree undertaken: BTech (Biotechnology)

Roll No: 07J21A2305

Degree/PG Batch: 2007-2011

Department & College Name: Department of Biotechnology, Joginpally B.R Engineering
                                                     College, Moinabad, RR (dt), Telangana State, India.

Subjects taught by Zahoorullah. S. MD : Biopharmaceutical Technology, Bioprocess
 Engineering, Bioinformatics, Genetic Engineering, Nano Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Lab

Testimonial :

What makes Zahoorullah. S.MD such a good faculty and advisor is that he is very approachable. Any student can walk into his office and talk to him about anything, whether it’s regarding a homework assignment, future plans or just the events of the day.

Zahoorullah. S.MD helped me grow not only as a student, but as an individual as well. After having him as a professor for the entire BTech Course. We came to know that he has sound knowledge on various subjects in Biotechnology. I can share an example where we don’t have a technical faculty to teach NanoBiotechnology which is newly added into our course. We requested our faculty to take up this subject where he was the one who took the responsibility to teach us the subject and delivered at his best with well detailed notes and explanation.

It’s a privilege for me to be as a student under a perfect Biotechnologist, where he has supported me throughout my academic course.
Date            :  31-12-2014                                                               N .SATISH KUMAR
Designation:   Research Assistant
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