Name of the Student: AMIREDDY NIHARIKA REDDY         

Degree undertaken:   B.Tech (Biotechnology)

Roll No: 08J21A2302

Degree/PG Batch: 2008-2012

Department & College Name: Department of Biotechnology, Joginpally B.R Engineering
                                                     College, Moinabad, RR(dt), Telangana State, India.

Subjects taught by Zahoorullah. S. MD:
Bioinformatics and Computational Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics lab.

It is an honor to write testimonial on our beloved ZAHOORULLAH. S .MD sir. He taught me different subjects in my B.Tech in Joginpally B.R.Engg. College. He is the definition of a great and amazing professor with very clear in his teaching. He taught us subject with enthusiasm and it was obvious that he cared about our education. He makes us very comfort in his session of classes by discussing rather than just teaching. Though he is a library of knowledge he is very down to earth and always inspirational to the students. We are very proud and fortunate to have such a professor. If every professor were like him, university would be a breeze.

Date: 25-11-2014                                                                                A.NIHARIKA REDDY
Designation: Pursuing M.Tech                                                                   Signature