Name  of the Student             :  B.PRANAY KUMAR

Degree undertaken                :   B.Tech (Biotechnology)

Roll No                                    : 10671A2303

Degree/PG Batch                    :  2010-2014

Department & College Name: Department of Biotechnology, JB Institute of Engineering
                                                    & Technology, Moinabad, RR(dt), Telangana State, India.

Subjects taught  by Zahoorullah. S. MD: Mass Transfer & Operations , Clinical Trails and Regulatory Affairs and Immunology


ZAHOORULLAH. S .MD sir is a mentor, well wisher, philosopher and a great personality .I’m very glad to have a professor like him. He is a book of knowledge. His knowledge of various topics attracts every student to him. He never hesitates in helping students. We only find a few faculties like him now days. May god bless him for the great work he is doing
Date            :  12-11-2014                                                                   PRANAY KUMAR.B
Designation  :  BTech passedout                                                                            Signature