Name of the Student: M.SAI PRAVEEN

Degree undertaken: B.Tech (Biotechnology)

Roll No: 08J21A2302

Degree/PG Batch: 2008-2012

Department & College Name: Department of Biotechnology, Joginpally B.R Engineering
                                                     College, Moinabad, RR(dt), Telangana State, India.

Subjects taught by Zahoorullah. S. MD: Bioinformatics and Computational Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics lab.


Namaste! "I am a graduate of the JBREC and I was incredibly fortunate to have Zahoorullah. S. MD sir as my professor. He taught me different subjects in my B.Tech. HE has a passion for professional skills advising for undergraduates, graduate students, and junior faculty, particularly those in the bioinformatics lab.  He is an outstanding professor. He genuinely cared about the students and their knowledge of the subject being taught; going out of his way to make sure we understood it. His teaching method was great. He didn't mind taking the extra time to teach us the things that we should have learned. He was very enthusiastic and helpful, he cared about the success of his students and treated them with respect, and I learned many things which I’m sure will be extremely useful. In fact he is one of us. He never behaved as if students should be low to professors. He is the only one professor whom I admire the most, because of his simplicity and down to earth nature. He always encourages the students to do new things, supported and helped in exams as well as during our project work.

He was one of the greatest professors I ever had in my collage; we had very special moments with him like playing badminton, cricket and dancing in the fests. We have to admit it he is very cool, active person and very good dancer too. He is fun, personable, smart and inventive. His classes were always entertaining, engaging, and exciting. I don't think I missed a single one. He has become a close mentor and friend. Hats off to Zahoorullah.S.MD sir!! Also what a great name!! Zahoorullah. S. MD!!!!


Date: 26-11-2014                                                                                      M.SAI PRAVEEN 
Designation: Pursuing M.Tech                                                                                     Signature